TITLE OF DATASET Seawater Chemistry from the North Pole Environmental Observatory, 2000-2004 DATA ORGANIZATION This data set contains the following subdirectories: NPEO2000: This directory contains data and documentation provided by the investigators (in Word and PDF formats) from the deployment of 2000. In the file "NPEOchem2000.*", the data are provided in a table, 14 rows x 19 columns, with the first row providing column headers. NPEO2001: This directory contains data and documentation provided by the investigators (in Word and PDF formats) from the deployment of 2001. In the file "NPEOchem2001.*", there is a table providing CTD station information, 10 rows x 6 columns, with the first row containing column headers. Within this file, data are also provided in a table, 20 rows x 15 columns, with the first row providing column headers. NPEO2002: This directory contains data (in tab-delimited ASCII text format) and documentation provided by the investigators (in Word and PDF formats) from the deployment of 2002. In the file "NPEOchem2002.*", there is a table providing nutrient sample data, 10 rows x 24 columns, with the first row containing column headers. In the file "NPEO02CTD02Meta.*", there is a table providing CTD station information, 12 rows x 10 columns, with the first row containing column headers. CTD-O2 data files have 10 columns, and the number of rows for each file including the column headers are as follows: "Helo0.txt", 3132; "Helo1.txt", 2049; "Helo2.txt", 1987; "Helo3.txt", 1875; "Helo4.txt", 1698; "Helo5.txt", 1929; "Helo6.txt", 1744; "Helo7.txt", 1858; "Helo8.txt", 1940; "Hydro0.txt", 2492; "Hydro1.txt", 2501. NPEO2003: This directory contains data (in tab-delimited ASCII text format) and documentation provided by the investigators (in Word and PDF formats) from the deployment of 2003. In the file "NPEOchem2003.*", there is a table providing nutrient sample data, 27 rows x 31 columns, with the first four rows containing column headers. In the file "NPEO03CTD02Meta.*", there is a table providing CTD station information, 6 rows x 8 columns, with the first row containing column headers. CTD-O2 data files have 11 columns, and the number of rows for each file including the column headers are as follows: "NPEO03Cast4Stn4.txt", 3936; "NPEO03Cast5Stn5.txt", 3328; "NPEO03Cast6Stn6.txt", 3331; "NPEO03Cast7Stn1.txt", 4762; "NPEO03Cast8Stn2.txt", 4739. NPEO2004: This directory contains data (in tab-delimited ASCII text format) and documentation provided by the investigators (in Word and PDF formats) from the deployment of 2004. In the file "NPEO04CTD02Meta.*", there is a table providing CTD station information, 10 rows x 5 columns, with the first row containing column headers. In the file "Table1NPEO2004.txt", nutrient sample data is provided, 47 rows x 31 columns, with the first three rows containing column headers. CTD-O2 data files have 12 columns, and the number of rows for each file including the column headers are as follows: "wpcBorneo4.txt", 1148; "wpcSt85-170.txt", 3382; "wpcSt86-170.txt", 3511; "wpcSt87-180.txt", 3379; "wpcSt87-90w.txt", 3232; "wpcSt88-180.txt", 3795; "wpcSt8840-180.txt", 3210; "wpcSt89-90w.txt", 3641; "wpcSt90n.txt", 3478. DOCUMENTATION For more information please refer to: http://arcss.colorado.edu/data/arcss095.html Please be sure to read the complete documentation in detail before working with the data. REGISTRATION If you wish to be notified of updates or corrections to these data, please register with NSIDC User Services by sending E-mail to: nsidc@nsidc.org Identify yourself as a user of "Seawater Chemistry from the North Pole Environmental Observatory, 2000-2004." Include your name, email, postal address, and telephone number. Contact Information: User Services National Snow and Ice Data Center CIRES, 449 UCB University of Colorado Boulder, CO 80309-0449 Phone: +1 (303) 492-6199 Fax: +1 (303) 492-2468