North Pole Environmental Observatory NSF Grants OPP-9910305 and 0352754 2003-2005 Ice Temperature and Ice Mass Balance Buoy Data Deployed by Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL) and Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (PMEL) Directories/Files in this directory- NP2003-2005_IceBuoys_ReadMe.txt (this document) NP2003 CRREL Ice Buoys NP2003A_21076 IceTemp_NP2003A_21076.txt Mass_NP2003A_21076.txt Met_NP2003A_21076.txt Position_NP2003A_21076.txt NP2003B_21077 IceTemp_NP2003B_21077.txt Met_NP2003B_21077.txt Position_NP2003B_21077.txt NP2004 CRREL Ice Buoys NP2004A_7105 IceTemp_NP2004A_7105.txt Mass_NP2004A_7105.txt Met_NP2004A_7105.txt Position_NP2004A_7105.txt NP2004B_25752 IceTemp_NP2004B_25752.txt Mass_NP2004B_25752.txt Met_NP2004B_25752.txt Position_NP2004B_25752.txt NP2004C_7100 IceTemp_NP2004C_7100.txt Mass_NP2004C_7100.txt Met_NP2004C_7100.txt Position_NP2004C_7100.txt NP2004D_25737 IceTemp_NP2004D_25737.txt Mass_NP2004D_25737.txt Met_NP2004D_25737.txt Position_NP2004D_25737.txt NP2005 CRREL Ice Buoys NP2005A_9114 IceTemp_NP2005A_9114.txt Met_NP2005A_9114.txt Position_NP2005A_9114.txt _______________________________________________________________________________ NPEO PMEL/CRREL Ice Temperature and Mass Balance Buoys for 2003, 2004, and 2005 Because of the large temperature arrays presented by the CRREL buoys, their data is provided in three or four separate files. All contain header information ended by a line with a single character '#', followed by the data in tab-delimited ASCII columns. The first five columns provide a time stamp for that data line. -- IceTemp files: Internal Ice Temperature (degrees C) from the air through the ice into the ocean beneath typically every 10 cm and every 2 hours. The header lists the heights/depths at which temperature was measured. A depth of 0 is the position of the top of the ice at the time of deployment, positive numbers are heights above the surface of the ice, negative numbers are depths from the top surface of the ice. To the right of the time stamp the remaining columns list measured temperature at those depths. Missing data are flagged as -99.0. -- Mass files: Ice and snow thickness measured measured with acoustic pingers, a positive snow depth and a negative ice bottom depth, both measured in cm, typically every 2 hours. Missing data is flagged as -9999.0. Buoys 2003B and 2005A either were not equipped with top and bottom pingers or they failed, so a mass balance file is not included. Mass balance information may be inferred from the temperature profile from the thermistor string, and such an interpretation will be available on the CRREL Buoy Website when available. -- Position files: Position usually from GPS, but a few from Argos, usually recorded hourly. -- Met files: Atmospheric pressure and air temperature typically recorded every 2 hours. A few buoys are missing pressure. Missing data is flagged as -9999.0. These buoys are complimented by PMEL Weather and Radiometer buoys as well as the JCAD Buoys deployed by JAMSTEC. The CRREL Ice Mass Buoy program including these and other Arctic buoys is at ( Data plots and other analysis using these data may be viewed at the NPEO website ( For further information concerning these data, please contact Dr. Don Perovich Dr. Jacqueline Richter-Menge Bruce Elder ERDC-CRREL-RS ( Snow and Ice Branch ) 72 Lyme Road Hanover, NH 03755-1290 or Dr. James E. Overland (206) 526-6795 Sigrid Salo (206) 526-6802 at Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (PMEL) NOAA R/PMEL, 7600 Sand Point Way N.E., Seattle, WA 98115-6349 For further information concerning NPEO, please contact Dr. James Morison (206) 543-1394 Roger Andersen (206) 543-1258 at Polar Science Center, Applied Physics Lab, University of Washington 1013 NE 40th, Seattle, WA 98105-6698 USA FAX (206) 616-3142